I drink and watch anime

Stats I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours

I love stats. It’s already been properly established that I am essentially the personification of cool, so naturally statistical analysis and data mining are my jam. People, put your clothes back on. I understand it’s hard to control yourselves right now but you must try!

I’ve seen a lot of you share your blog stats in retrospective posts or on twitter and I’ve loved all of them. I wish more of you would do it. A larger sample size will give us much more info to play with. Not that stats actually matter in any way. I have come across (non anime) blogs that seem huge with hundreds of likes per post and frankly very sub par content and I know for a fact that people are missing out on some incredible treasures. However, if you grew up playing video games like me, some part of your brain has probably been conditioned to collect points. To set arbitrary but measurable goals. I get it. We all know a good post is a good post no matter the views, comments and likes but we also love numbers.

I finally have a chance to use this image

I bet even those bloggers that are too cool to care about views and the likes, still have some random benchmark the aspire to. Maybe they want to have a minimum or maximum number of words. Maybe they want to see if the can slip in ancient Sumerian expressions without anyone commenting. Maybe they want to tag Shoka in as many posts as possible for reasons they themselves have forgotten…

For me, the most interesting part of my stats page is always the “clicks” as in how many links on my site have you guys clicked and where did you go. That’s how I know the cocktail recipes I painfully hunt down to go with each game, get largely ignored. I should just make up random names and RickRoll you (although some of you click and I also suspect these stats might not be the *most* accurate). But the other shining gem and source of endless entertainment is seeing the search terms that have led people to my blog. You cannot imagine the amount of joy, and occasional unease, this specific stat has brought me.

Those of you who follow me on Twitter (thank you!) may know that one of my proudest moments in recent years was when my site was found through the search “will the psycho pass sybil system become real?”. I’m sorry to the obviously brilliant people who had such an insightful and interesting question. I would love to know the answer myself. Sadly, all you found was likely my jokey DIY post. I do really love that post but I also wrote and edited while suffering from a rather high fever and it shows. The post sorts of goes in all types of directions. Maybe someday I’ll revisit it, but I have a soft spot for it, no matter how ridiculous it came out.

oh c’mon, it’s not THAT bad

A few days after this crowning glory, my top search terms where “truck microwave”. I had just published my second DIY post for the phone microwave so that probably explains it. That trucker must not have been amused at all. If you spot a time travelling 18-wheeler let me know. I need to take credit for it.

So how about we all have a bit of fun and explore together the search terms leading to my blog. I don’t know if this says more about me than about my readers but one of us is a little weird. Let’s try and figure it out together.

I’ve omitted all the variations of “drunk anime”, “drinking anime” ect… There are way fewer than you would think.

  ·  amazon

Huh…nope. How? I have no clue…

·  loot crate anime october 2917

I hope I will still be reviewing loot crates in 2917! I noticed that typos lead to my site a lot. Google is being very passive aggressive with me.

·  drifters lotr reference

I did in fact mention that Drifters had some surprising thematic overlap with Lord of the rings in my review (it’s in y title). I’m really psyched that someone else who saw it actually found my blog this way. I hope they enjoyed it. I loved writing that review.

it was pretty obvious

  ·  days anime

That’s straightforward but the funny thing is – I hadn’t reviewed days yet. I had reviewed School Days and 91 Days. Not the same thing…

 ·  lu over the wall

Not that many people have seen this movie and even fewer have read my review of it. Still I’m happy about this search.

·  anime fanservice gif •  •  fanservice tag• 

Well, I mean, I can’t deny that you’ll find some. I was about to say that I don’t understand why my particular blog would come up since there’s so much out there, but I looked over my gif choices and…fair enough. Should I be more conservative with those?

really? Faservice? where?

 ·  مسلسل الانمى sakura trick

The Arabic is just so pretty. 

·  watch goth anime

I think I have a goth tag. I forgot about it. Currently it’s assigned to my reviews for Death Parade, Pandora Hearts and Book of Circus…I guess that’s ok. That person did not stick around, I bet.

·    12 days of anime

I’m so glad I participated in this. I was tons of fun. I wanna do it again next year!

  ·  anime witch   ·  yamada and the seven witches anime

I watch a surprising amount of witch themed anime. You have come to the right place my friend. Unless Goggle was referring directly to me in which case, HEY! Also could have been Bing. Bing gets catty.

·  utapri tumblr

Well – it’s not a tumblr but I am still considering converting my blog to an Utapri fan page (with some Natsume of course)

 ·  gif anime thank you

Right, take your pick. I have A LOT to be grateful for.

 ·  hitman reborn without slice of life

Oh man that’s an awesome idea. Don’t get me wrong I really enjoyed the slice of life aspect of Reborn but a new season that’s all hardboiled and gritty (more in the vein of the fight for the future arc), that would rock! That show ended way too abruptly for my tastes.

I would watch more – much more

 ·  kotonoha school days how to watch •  school days anime

Well Kotonoha is a character in school days and you can watch her in the anime. Hope that helped. You won’t see her much in my review though. I did not like the School Days anime. I have since played the visual novel and my stance has soften a little but not much. I hope I didn’t offend all these School Days fans. There are a lot it seems. he search came up often.

 ·  magan he danai   •  magan and danai tumblr

Another straightforward one and another post I loved writing that got relatively few views. It makes me happy to see that those posts that seem to lag in views and likes are attracting people who go out of their way to find them. That’s special to me.

  ·  which black butler character are you  •  black butler volume 14  •  is black butler a good action anime

I would LOVE to know which Black Butler character I am. I’m guessing some random waitress at a hotel they visit once. I’ve reviewed two seasons of Black Butler, Book of Circus and argued about it with Karandi so it makes sense that this would be a common search term.

 ·  best yuri vn 2017

Ok I haven’t written about Yuri VNs at all let alone recent ones. I am pretty sure I have done that exact same search though. My site didn’t come up. I call shenanigans!

I haven’t played Flowers – yet!

 ·  idrink games

I just kept this one because I like the styling and weird grammar here. Whoever you are, weary internet wanderer – you are welcomed here!

  ·  shiki anime

Unlike previous straightforward search my shiki review actually did quite well. I understand why. Even now, months after I’ve finished the show, I find myself thinking back on it rather frequently. It makes an impact and I get why people are randomly googling it just to get another taste.

·  hunter x hunter •  •  hxh anime

YES!!! Sorry it’s just a challenge tag but I LOVE Hunter x Hunter and if I can get associated with it in any way, I’m going to take it.

 ·  the ancient magus bride gif tumblr  •  the ancient magus bride ova  •  here (ancient magus’ bride)  •  magi’s bride anime  •  watch the ancient magus bride ova before series

Again, not a tumblr but OK. So this anime is POPULAR. I reviewed the OVAs when they first came out but my second post on it is fairly recent so I’m impressed by the amount of search traffic it brings in. And it’s not just because it’s new. My Hero Academia is new too yet no searches. Well no searches that lead to my blog…

 ·  anime gif Christmas

I’m guessing you got this one, at least I hope you did. I love this gif:

90% of the reason I made that announcement post was to use this gif

 ·  anime onsen

Oooohhh yeah. I’ve reread it and I have to admit this isn’t one of my favorite posts, it’s a little dry (drumroll), but I loved doing the research for it. I did part in my bathtub, to get in the spirit not because I’m a weirdo who does everything in the bathtub. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to rinse.

 ·  new game anime energy drink

I’ve notice that my New Game review gets a good amount of random views on the reg. It seems as if my very few negative reviews are the ones with the most staying power. Maybe I should review Mayoiga – I hated it….

why weren’t you better?

 ·  psychopass computer interface

I think this is about Sybil as well and I’m psyched!

  ·  sexy luluco

No…just no.

 ·  in defense of shojo

I’ve defended a lot of things but never Shojo. It didn’t even occur to me that it needed defending. Should I do it guys? I have watched like – 3…

 ·  good anime to watch

Yeah, I’m betting this was a short lived and frustrating foray into my blog. I don’t rate stuff, my reviews are occasionally about different animes than the one I started with. I feel for you, I do.

 ·  sage of tanya the evil  •  saga of tanya the evil

This was one of my first and rarely seen reviews. I loved this show and I’m happy it seems to have generated some interest out there.

 ·  the royal tutor kai bruno leo and licht

I’m with you reader but you know what, just do an image search… Or go to my pinterest.

like I’m going to skip a chance to post a pic of this show

 ·  what is serial experiments lain about

Well this poor sod never got an answer. Probably left way more confused than they were at the start. I hope they didn’t throw their computer out the window.

 ·  kakegurui fanservice

I have never seen this anime. Is it good? I read Remy’s review – it was mixed.

 ·  random aine list

Yeah – that’s so me…

 ·  anime harem reverse 201,

I’m not there yet but I’m really hoping to live up to that search some day. I love that it’s 201 not 101. This person has faith in me.

 ·  visual novels

Come back, I am really working on getting some more reviews out.

 ·  картинки д грей мен приколы

This is in Russian in case you didn’t know and it means pictures of D Grey Man. I understand why you would want those. I understand considerably less why a search engine would send you to my site. I’m assuming you use Yandex, so Yandex must not like you.

 ·  gabriel dropout fanservice – gabriel dropout adult

Is there something I missed about Gabriel DropOut. There was some slightly creepy fanserve in the first few episodes, but it dropped off rather quickly. I really don’t associate this show with sexy in any way. Was I watching it wrong? Is there and hentai OVA? This is one of the most frequently searched terms.

Does ponytail mean adult?

 ·  blue exorcist generic

I disagree, unless you were looking for the ED, in which case I’m sorry I don’t have it.

 ·  japanese idioms

Another deep source of pride and possibly shame. Pride because I love that post, shame because I am not even remotely qualified to write it.

 ·  natsume’s book of friends anime

This just made my day. Whoever you are, we are friends now.

 ·  how many seasons of hellsing are there

Technically just one. It’s a little complicated but it aired once and the got remade and reaired a few episodes at the time of the course of years. You probably didn’t get that from my reviews. You got that I have a major hard on for Integra. I hope that information was just as useful to you.

 ·  tanaka kun

I reviewed it. YAY! I liked it. A Lot!

·  mafus pronster

I looked this up – apparently this is an Indian p*rnstar. The heck you guys?

·  good guys refrigerators

I salute you!

Well this sums up what search engines thought of me in 2017. Not much… I guess I still need to work on those post names. I really hope 2018 brings me more awesome searches.

As for numbers, well I guess I did tease them:

I started mid July so I’m very happy with these. And the future is looking great! – here are my stats as of January 6:

I’m not sure what any of these mean but I am hoping it means more Indian pron traffic…

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