I drink and watch anime

One of the Rare Non Scary Brotherhoods!

I’ve been slowly trying to go through my backlog of tag posts. I’ve been failing… But today I take one small step towards that ever-evasive goal by answering Merlin who was kind enough to tag me for the Brotherhood Award!

This is the first and only time I’ve had this type of tag which encouraged me to give it a go. It’s a Q&A tag but Merlin came up with some nice questions, so I hope you find it interesting. I know Loved Merlin’s on post which you can read HERE!

But first of course, there are some rules:

Thank you Merlin – go read all about Merlin’s musings

Will do

How about 6?

Will try and also Done!

Here are Merlin’s question which he mercifully kept at 5!

1) How did you come up with your blogging name? (yes, I’m stealing that one, mwahah)

This is such a dorky and boring story but basically I liked Thyrion’s Game of Thrones quite “I Drink and Know Things”  because I figured same – except the know things part.

So I was trying to riff on that and figured I’d name the blog I Drink and Know Anime. However, I instantly had these flashes of people schooling me on anime and figured I better keep expectations more in line with reality and changed it to the very accurate I Drink and Watch Anime.

I realize now that I probably lost any connection with the original quote and it just sounds like I’m bragging about my very enjoyable downtime but that’s ok.

I love everything about blogging

2) What do you love most about blogging?

As corny as it sounds, I like the connection to the community. I know I repeat this a lot. All the time really. By now I feel like I talk about the aniblogging community more than I do about anime. Oh well, just one more time won’t hurt, right?

Finding a space to interact with generally like-minded people, who are for the most part inviting and sweet, has been an extremely positive experience.

3) What do you hate most about blogging?

Tag posts

No I’m kidding…mostly.

Eggshells I would say. This is by no means a generalized but once in a while I will accidentally come across a subject that seems to be very emotional for someone. Either I’ll write a post and someone will feel personally attacked (even though I can assure you it is NOT the case. I’m not classy enough to veil my attacks), or I’ll leave a jokey comment that will get taken way too seriously and I suddenly have to weigh every single word I write super carefully lest I offend someone.

I would leave a lot more comments if I felt I could respectfully disagree with people but I have had experiences where anything other than praise was taken as an insult, so now I don’t take the chance until I know the blogger well.

This is not really the fault f the blog. In real life I’m very physically unimposing and expressive. I get away with questionable humor and sarcasm as well as debates because you can see and hear that there’s nothing aggressive or angry about it. I haven’t quite adapted to completely conveying every aspect of nonve

tough question

rbal communication.


4) Do you have some favorite blogs to recommend?

I have so many… Really we’ll be here all day. And it depends what you want to read. I have discovered so many incredible blogs on wordpress, if you have a specific in mind, let me know I’ll be happy to suggest something. But otherwise the question is way to wide for me to answer.

However, I did recently stumble upon a non wordpress blog I am very fond of and you may not have found yet. Lately I’ve been visiting (this is a pun – I’m way too proud of it) Anime Journeys very regularly. I love it so much.

5) Do you have one or three personal favorite posts you’ve written?

You know that’s a great question and one I ask myself regularly. I don’t think I do. Some posts are closer to my heart and things I really wanted to share with you while others came together surprisingly well but aren’t necessarily on my favorite subject.

I like to think that I haven’t yet written my favorite post!

Just because I’m all boring and weaseled out of answering the question doesn’t mean I didn’t mean it. It really is a grerat question and one I constantly ask other bloggers.

OK – How about some questions from me:

  1. Who’s the last anime character you identified with and why?
  2. Is there an anime universe you would want to live in?
  3. I hope you answered the last question – what would your job be in that universe?
  4. Who would you like to do a collab with (real or imaginary)
  5. Is there a character trait (physical or personality) that you always love to see?

Merlin had already nominated a lot of fantastic bloggers but he did leave a few for me. So let’s see if you want ot play along:

As always, there’s no obligation…it’s ok if you don’t want to be brothers…


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