I drink and watch anime

I Knew I Was Still Growing!

I don’t get the chance to talk about Raistlin enough I find… Mostly it’s because we don’t tend to post about the same subjects (which is great, Raistlin makes me discover so many new things) but still whenever I get an excuse to tell you all how much I love this blog I take it. I realize you guys already know all this and love Raistlin, because Of Course, I’m just showing off my own great taste, is all.

As you can imagine, when Raistlin nominated me for the Growing Self Blogger Award, I was psyched! Not only do I get a nomination which is always super flattering but I get to talk about Raistlin and it’s an award I had never heard of before. So what is it?


“The Growing Self Blogger Award has been created to acknowledge and celebrate amazing individuals, in the blogging community, who are persevering through life’s challenges not only to GROW as individuals, but to reach out and help others GROW as well.” ~Roda

Oh Yeahz! I’m going to be average human size in no time!


Here it is:

Here they are:

Raistlin you are the bestest THANK YOU!!! (you asked for this my friend)

Roda created this award on their blog!

OK! – I will do this below

Just 1, no way!

(I’ma gonna link to their about page… I just prefer commenting when I have something to add about the actual post, which isn’t often)


Arthifis started his blog not that long ago yet every step of the way he’s made an effort to bring people together and make everyone feel like they have a place of their own. Arthifis has worked hard to put out excellent posts regularly in order to maintain his blog through everything else he was going through, and he was generous enough to share those experiences with us, but not only has he put obvious effort in his own growth but he’s trying to make us grow as a community and for that I’m certainly grateful.


No this isn’t my usual bit of nominating Shokamoka for everything. Although I’m still totally going to do that. Shoka’s blog was one of the first I discovered on WordPress and I have yet to get disillusioned by it. I love Shoka’s writing and I know that when he can he enjoys challenging himself to get even better (which is just overkill at this point really). But beyond that, Shoka is one of the first people to regularly interact with me and my blog and possibly THE person who made me feel the most welcomed when I first started out. His influence is in no small part what motivated me to put in the effort to reach out and be a more active part of the community. So Thank you very much Shoka for helping me grow as I’m sure you’ve helped countless others.

ED. This post was written, edited and scheduled for publishing before Shoka published this post in which he said some terribly nice things about my blog. This isn’t a tit for tat, we were not aware of each other’s plans for posts until Shoka’s came out and he still does not know about this one. It just goes to show, sometimes people really are just nice.


Have you guys ever gotten a comment from Auri – it’s like pure sunshine. It will make any day better. Just got fired? Her comments will cheer you up. Just got married? They be the best wedding gift you got! What I’m saying is that Auri is a positive force that brings light to everything she touches and we need light to grow. Moreover, Auri write GUD! Like ormergerd gud. Every time I get the chance to read one of her posts I’m reminded by how truly gifted an author she is. She’s so creative and pushes herself and other to try out things. Thank you Auri, I hope we can grow together.

Lethargic Ramblings

Leth and I have some very different understandings of what the word “lazy” means. Have you seen this guy’s blog. You don’t post like that if you’re lazy. You post like that if you’re hardworking and also super talented. Leth’s regular musings on the greater themes behind anime as well as the art of blogging itself have pushed me to try and be better and smarter about my own posts. Or at least *seem* that way. Not only that but his technical expertise is the only reason I ever got the chance to do a podcast and allowing people to try new things is what growth is all about! So thank you Leth for being the most industrious lazy person I’ve ever met!

Shoujo Thoughts

And if we’re going to mention the podcast, we have to mention the fantastic young lady who started it all. Shoujo’s wonderful initiative to expand our horizons by moving beyond the written word has not only allowed all of us podcast sidekicks to grow in our own way but seems to have inspired a lot of you out there to try out your own thing which is amazing. Shoujo is a trend setter inspiring us all to move beyond the familiar. And if that wasn’t enough, her creative posts have given me, and I’m sure a lot of you, an itch to try my hand at fiction. I’m rubbish at it but there’s only one way to get better right? Thank you Shoujo for being an inspiration just by being yourself.

Man, I know I’ve left out so many deserving bloggers here. That’s the worst part of all these posts. I’m starting to get very tempted to just say I’m nominating everyone (and specifically Shoka) but that’s just not how you play. I’m pretty confident the nomination roulette will come around to you very soon though so I look forward to reading all of your posts!

Thank you so much again Raistlin. To all of you who may have nominated me – I know I am way way behind on these award posts but I will get to them! I promise I didn’t forget. I wouldn’t, they mean so much to me.

Let’s all continue to grow together then!

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