I drink and watch anime

Favorite Shows I watched in 2017 (they probably came out 4 years ago…)

Hi guys, well we’ve finally reached the semi obligatory BEST OF 2017 post! You know, there’s a reason everyone does one of these posts every year – they’re really fun to read. I enjoyed all of yours, that’s for sure. Thing is, I already covered this exact subject in the podcast (which you can listen to here **cough, cough**)., and I’ve already covered all these shows in their own posts at that. I love redundancy as much as the next guy, probably considerably more so actually, but even I realize there’s only so many times you can say the same thing. After all, if I haven’t convinced you yet that these shows are the best, odds are I’m not suddenly going to do so now. So instead, I’m going to let much more talented people do so!

(If you happen to be curious about my own thought on any of these series, the titles are links) If you have a review I missed (guys put a search bar in your blogs), let me know! I’ll happily add it or you have my full blessing to post it in the comments.

Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid

I’m Kobayashi but I want to be Fafnir

One of the first shows I saw this year and one of the first I reviewed (be gentle, I’ve gotten better…) Despite some obvious problems, this show never failed to make me smile and even laugh. Then, somehow, it made me care. Some of the subtler and gentler aspects of this show masterfully illustrated the most basic conflicts of growing up and relationships while avoiding judgement. It was a great start to 2017, just check out what these guys thought about it:

For just a taste, here are Jake’s first impressions: 


Remy and I have very different tastes when it comes to anime:


Keiko on the other hand gets it:


Karandi was unimpressed:


But that’s ok because Inkling was:


And just to be on the safe side – here are the top 10 best things about the show!


Ace of Diamond

Eijun seems pumped, how unusual

It’s not like I’ve ever tried to hide my particular affinity for Sports! anime. You guys knew what you were in for! Ace of Diamond may not be the best I’ve ever seen but it certainly ranks up there and a definite must for any fan of the genre. See what I mean:

The series is so wonderful, Grimmgirl had to come back from hiatus to talk about it:


Crimson also agrees:


More of you need to watch Ace of Diamond, or at least write about it…

No Game No Life

pink is the new black

Much like Kobayashi, there are some issues here that will rub some viewers the wrong way but No Game No Life’s gleeful embrace of gaming and fan culture coupled with it’s unfaltering style and ecstatic if childish humour, has managed to capture the imagination of a lot of viewers, myself included. I know a lot of you have seen the movie, I haven’t, I’m jealous.

Ecladragon certainly seems to have enjoyed the series:


AzulineChoe will tell you exactly why you need to watch it:


Plyasm may have liked it even more than I did:


In the interest of balance, here’s a much less enthusiastic review by The Pantless Anime Blogger:


Karandi saw some flaws but still enjoyed it:


It’s Arthifis’ Anime No. 9:

As always, Little Anime Blog will make you discover things you may not have noticed!


Unlike Remy, Takuto and I seem to have extremely similar tastes in anime except he writes much better about it and highlights most of the issues I also had:


91 days

in this pic, Nero looks unnervingly like my dad

I was completely mesmerized by this classic hardboiled crime drama (from what is quickly becoming one of my favorite studios) but every review I ran across at the time was negative. Since then, it seems public opinion has softened somewhat. I still think this is just a few ressources short of an absolute masterpiece. And that intro….

Wulfy agrees with me and knows how to get right to the point at that:


Anime Girls NYC and the Cereal Sensei actually discussed the show in a podcast:


Atremis highlighted the absolute brilliance of the finale (one of my absolute favorite show endings of all time)


Karandi did entire episode by episode review of this show. I love seeing these progressions once I’ve finished a series. Start your journey here:


Keiko had mixed feelings but still enjoyed the show:


Scott reviewed the series in two parts and saw the error of his ways!




so who do you think has a glasses fetish?

Man I loved Drifters. I am essentially just holding my breath until the next season. It better get a a release date soon because I’m getting a little dizzy here. It certainly is a show that makes an impact, which is why I’m baffled so few of you have written about it:

Karandi has a great grasp of the love it or hate it nature of the show:


I disagree with Scott, I personally love the clash in tones of the show but we both enjoyed the series nonetheless:



give it a chance, you might like it

I had so much fun with both seasons of this. I would never hesitate to recommend this show to anyone who wants something to unwind at the end of a long day. I laughed so hard and ended up truly enjoying just about every single character in the series.

This time Pantless and I are exactly on the same page:


Shoka also used the show as an example of funservice (my word – I’m a dork, don’t hold it against Shoka’s wonderful post)


Alfredo also enjoyed the good times:


Peach’s review is what actually got me to watch the show in the first place:


Frog-kun has a fascinating analysis of the Novel vs the Anime


Finally, Ani-Dotes seems to be the only other person to actually appreciate Kazuma like I do:


Humanity has Declined

no she’s MY best girl

Man, this show…I… I failed to properly capture this show in my own review (but can you blame me, it’s a duzy, Urban Dictionary definition of duzy = pimpdiculous). Go see how these fine folks managed to do what I couldn’t:

Little Anime Blog’s review made me almost drop everything and rewatch the show:


As I mentioned in my own review, it’s Anime and Coffees wonderful write up that made me discover this show in the first place:


Broad reviews managed the impossible by actually getting right to the point:


Tetra and I took some very different roads to get to the same destination. That moth scene is also one of my favorites though:


Despite giving it 3 whole arbitrary points less than me, TPAB’s review seems to agree with everything I love about this show:


Time of Eve

that hairdo really brings out her halo

I saw this right after Humanity has Declined and thought I had maybe become a magical anime fairy and every show I would watch would suddenly turn out phenomenal. I have been proven sadly wrong since. A quiet, relaxing and comfortable exploration of the human spirit in the age of technology, Time of Eve is nothing short of lovely.

I’ve always said Takuto has a beautiful blog and now I know why:


Cat Nessa perfectly outlines the impressive development packed in the short runtime of this show:


Another series more of you should write about…

My Hero Academia

can’t wait for season 3

Well duh.. Of course I love a fantastically well made shonen. Everyone does. I mean that literally! Every blog with any anime related content at all has something on this show. There are just way too many to list, so how about you tell me your favorite MHA post in the comments!!!

And lastly, I,m going to throw you a curveball with a super unexpected entry: Natsume…It’s Natsume, guys, it’s Natsume!!!

Rodrovich enjoyed season 5, because of course!:

Miss Honeybug does a wonderful job showing us why the manga is just as wonderful:


I somehow coerced ShadowCat into giving the series a try and, who was right??


The Pantless Anime Blogger had a lot of trouble finding anything bad to say:


Karandi has made no secret of her own love of the show. She reviewed each episode of Go and Roku but it all started with this wonderful post on seasons 1-4:


For some reason I take personal pride in the fact that so many of the bloggers I admire also love this show. Artemis has the series in her Top 5 feel Good shows, Top 20 Anime Series and 5 best shows with over 60 episodes!

I tried really hard to find a negative review to give you a counterpoint. I couldn’t find one. This should tell you something!

I know for a fact I missed some reviews for these shows. I remember specific posts on Kobayashi and KonoSuba that I couldn’t find again and I’m almost certain there was more on pretty much every other one.

I hope these wonderful posts will motivate you to give these shows a try if you haven’t. And even if you don’t like these shows (why????) you still get to have all these wonderful posts to read! – My gift to you. You’re welcome!

Day 11 of 12

it’s a total of 11 fingers – get it
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