I drink and watch anime


I remember when I hit 100 followers on WordPress. I got really really excited. Not just hyperbole you guys, I honestly felt like I had just won something. I’m fairly confident and don’t feel a great need for external validation but the idea of 100 people actually thinking to themselves that they might want to actively hear my random thoughts on anime both thrilled and humbled me in the best possible way.

At the time, I got so ahead of myself in fact, that I decided on the overly ambitious idea of thanking every single follower personally. That post took so long for me to put together that I had hit 110 by the time I finally got it out and whined about wrist pain for a week. Clearly I would have to come up with a new idea for future milestones as this would be entirely unsustainable.

This said, it’s truly important that you understand that just because you happen to hit follow at 111, doesn’t make you any less precious to me. The 209 (…yeah, I don’t learn…) followers milestone made me just as happy and I find myself once more at a loss to properly convey exactly how much you all mean to me.

So you know what…I’m going to thank you all, one by one!

Most definitely not worthy

Please go see my first post for followers 1-110, unless missing out on fantastic blogs makes you happy. (I thought about merging the two lists together for a second but you know what – I’m not going to make you read a 20 page post).

***These are in chronological order. Once again I’m going off my WP follower list and I am doing this in one big batch (cause I’m not smart) so if I missed anyone – I remain terribly sorry. I am not in any way qualified to advertise blogs so keep in mind that I still haven’t done any of these wonderful blogs justice.


Andrealinia has decided to take up the NaNoWriMo 2017 Challenge and I’m very curiou to see how it works out. Her OWLS posts are all wonderful and always worth checking out and her feminist take on anime will make you think and make you better!

Smithzk77: https://smithz777.wordpress.com/

Admittedly Smithzk’s blog is still on the new side but it will make you smile! It made me smile.

Smudgesonmymirror : https://smudgesonmymirror.wordpress.com/

Delightful diary style blog of a lovely mother who sounds like she really likes her daughter. I live vicariously through it…A very intimate blog!


Backhorn doesn’t have a blog but really should since his writing is one of the inspirations for this blog. So instead, please go listen to one of the many songs I really like from The Back Horn

BadiaaHiresh: https://youreverydaycoffeeblog.com/

Personal and inspirational posts discussing some occasionally difficult subjects with gentle compassionate tone. If you need a little pick me up with your coffee.

1402booklounge: https://1402booklounge.wordpress.com/

Booklounge is just starting out but as you can possibly guess, this is a bookish blog to share your love of literature in both post and image form. Keep you eye on this one, there’s a cute ferret.

Doctor Parrot: https://skylinecm.wordpress.com/

Skyline reports bring you satirical little news posts for when the real news is too depressing, basically you should read it every day.

The Cinemoptimist: https://thecinemoptimist.wordpress.com/

The Cinemoptimist writes well. Like really well. Much better than this. This fairly new anime blog is going to be huge because people love good writing. I try to never miss a post.

TwoHappyCats: https://twohappycats.com/

I love otomes and so does Kuro-sama but where I just tell people I love otomes, she actually writes fantastic posts about them that will make you love otomes too. Go see for yourself!


I do not believe Maestroindonesia212 has a blog but I’m going to say they are in or near Indonesia, quite masterful and have lived for a long long time.

Rodrovich: https://rodrovichanime.wordpress.com/

Rodrovich is your one stop shop or your anime review needs. There are full series reviews, seasonal episodes as well as some more unusual anime movies with editorial posts throughout. It’s a great log that made me discover a fascinating movie with this great post here

Fueled by Smiling: https://fueledbysmiling.wordpress.com/

C’mon it’s called FUELED BY SMILING, of course you have to follow this blog. Positive happy posts on seasonal anime, I love how the reviews tend to focus on particular aspects of episodes that other reviewers don’t tend to discuss.

John Calligan Writes: https://winocthetraveler.com/

Lovely fantasy posts that will take you on an adventure! Honestly this is a great novel in post form, go catch up, you won’t regret it.

ne´ senpai~ : https://moe404.wordpress.com/

I know ne senpai is nesha’s new name and nesha was already following me (see my 110 followers post) but it seems that now Neha is following me twice! Take notes all of you who are only following me once! Like I said before, this blog combines lovely posts with gorgeous aesthetics for a great reading experience!

Alfredopasta: https://sliceofalfredo.wordpress.com/

I knew Alfredo on fettuccini was a delicious dinner but apparently in slice form it’s a scrumptious read! I really appreciate how Alfredo shares his love of seiyuus. Good voice actors can really have a huge impact on a show and we don’t hear about them enough!

Sheyna Dolls : https://sheynadolls.wordpress.com/

Sheyna Dolls create Ball Jointed Dolls and thanks to Nameless I know just how impressive these are. Go visit this blog to see these unique beautiful little works of art and you could even get your own through the new tsy shop!

LadyOtaku: https://ladyotakublog.wordpress.com/

Lady Otaku is fairly new to the blogging game, having started to post way back in October, but it’s a promising start. Let’s show her just how welcoming we anibloggers can be.

Ya Boy Jack: https://theaniwriter.wordpress.com/

My Boy Jack mixes anime news and reviews with short stories and poems but his creative writing skills shine in all of it. Not only did this blog teach me that Netflix is going to make a real life Erased but he had a very singular view on whitewashing in movies. Intrigued? You should be. Go read it

Dani @ Perspective of a Writer: https://perspectiveofawriter.wordpress.com/

A lot of people have already discovered this wonderful bookish blog with occasional anime and manga reviews. The popularity of this blog is well earned and easily explained by the quality of the posts!

Chizurue: https://chzurue.wordpress.com/

Chizurue is a prolific blogger who regularly posts on anime and Korean dramas with fun unique perspectives. Go read that Uta no Prince Sama post. 1 Because it’s great and 2 Because you should read all Uta no Prince Sama posts! The read the rest.

セレネ: https://selenejapan.wordpress.com/

Thanks to Selena, I’ve been a wizard for the past month!. More precisely I’ve been visiting Hogwarts and the surroundings through the breath taking pictures on this blog. Honestly they are very beautiful. Go see them but not at work because you’ll be there for an hour at least.

Animejnr: https://animejnr.wordpress.com/

Quotes, facts and trivia from all your favorite animes complete with awesome eye candy! This blog is so much fun it will cheer you up even as you’re waiting for the dentist!

Mattdoylemedia: https://mattdoylemedia.com/

I was trying to describe this blog but there’s so much I didn’t know where to start so I’ll just use the official tag: Stories, cosplay, and looking at pop culture in a positive light. And guys get this: Matt is promoting artists and content creators just cause it’s awesome. I love this idea ad you will too when you read it here

Ospreyshire: https://iridiumeye.wordpress.com/ &  https://ospreyshire.wordpress.com/

Ospreyshire has a couple of blogs in fact, One is a more casual place to promote projects and ut more personal or fun posts and the other provides in depth reviews of movies and series of all kinds. Both are great. You should go see them both and tell me which you like better

Starchaser187: https://starchaser187.wordpress.com/

Anime, visual novels, editorials, beautiful art and hopefully some how to science posts coming up! A great blog that I enjoy whenever I can.

Venus G.: https://japanimetalks.wordpress.com/

Venus is currently splitting her time between JAPANime and the fast growing:  Reviewers Camp. Both sites are full of interesting posts. And just a really fun read. I keep rereading the five sizzling redheads posts because – well wouldn’t you?

D&A Anime Blog : https://daanimeblog.com/

A rich site just perfect for every anime and manga fan. I won’t lie, I’ve spend an unreasonable amount of time in the cosplay galleries. For those that can actually read there are fantastic posts on pretty much every subject you can think of. Honestly there are too many to list.

Magicconan14 : https://magicconan14.wordpress.com/

Productivity Pile (don’t you just love that name) is in fact a Habitica challenge blog. What is a Habitica challenge blog you ask, it’ actually a really awesome sounding project I’m thinking of taking up. That didn’t answer your question? It’s explained on the blog!

Anime_Girls_NYC: https://animegirlsnyc.com/

Let’s face it, if you’ve heard of my blog, you’re probably already following Anime Girl NYC but let me just remind you how fun and entertaining this blog is: Fan Art Friday! Currently n a trip to Japan, go live vicariously and maybe be a little jealous, like me…

NEETaku: https://neetaku86.wordpress.com/

How can I describe My Two Cents? I wish I could write more like this. NEETaku gets to the point and the point is actually interesting and often very funny. If you’re not following this blog you are missing out.

Chris Voyage: https://galvanicmedia.net/category/flash-anime-tion/

Unlike me, Galvanic can actually keeps up with current anime and brings you up to the minute episode reviews and that’s on top of gaming posts, anime news, editorial pieces AND youtube videos. Awesome Youtube videos! Just go see for yourselves!

Precious Jasmin: https://preciousjasminblog.wordpress.com/

Precious Jasmin is both a talented creative writer and an absolutely adorable otaku. How can you resist that, why would you want to? Fittingly, Jasmin is a fan of flowers and occasionally takes some very pretty pictures.

Đốp Thị : https://hyperventilationsite.wordpress.com/2017/10/22/another-blog-post/

Ok I’ll be honest – I’m not sure I have the right blog here but I really like the name hyperventilation site. If I’m completely off track please let me know!

Worldtech651 :https://worldtech651.wordpress.com/

World technology is an ambitious blog name. I’m a little challenged so I’m not entirely sure what this blog is about…

Bipolarmomsblog: https://bipolarmomsblog.wordpress.com/

Bipolar mom is a disarmingly honest blog. We all feel a little lost and overwhelmed sometimes and that’s precisely when we need to need to know we’re not alone. This is where this log comes in.

RoughBandit: https://funpunblog.wordpress.com/

You know Rough Bandit don’t you? You should. It’s an amazing blog that brings you irreverent humour in bitesize creative posts to make you chuckle even on your suckiest days.

Kingdylbag13: https://kingdylbagblog.wordpress.com/

Currently on a little break (exams, good reason!) but expect Kingdylbag to be back with the 30 day challenge and in the meantime, enjoy the archives!

Lynlynsays: https://lynlynsays.com/

I have a feeling you already know all about LynLyn but humour me. Ever wonder how Owls blog tours comes up with those brilliant prompts every month – LynLyn. What a read an engrossing piece of fiction that will make your day? LynLyn. Want to read a fantastically written post on your favorite subject? Guess who?

Lesley Aeschliman: https://lesleysanimeandmangacorner.com/

Let’ face it, I can’t keep up with all the anime news out there or all the great content that gets churned out and this makes me sad. Thankfully Lesley’s there for me. Not only did I find out the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was on Crunchyroll thanks to this blog (I put it in my queue immediately) but I get to keep up with everything that’s about to come out and even great posts I may have missed out on.

Thespookyredhead: https://thespookyredhead.wordpress.com/

I’ve discovered the spooky readhead recently but not only is she an utterly charming otaku gamer but she’s a fellow of the phandom. I hope we get to know each other better and you should get to know this blog!

A Jones: https://couchcruisin.blog/

A Jones is soon going to get the Netflix biography treatment but in the meantime, we have this blog. Couch Cruising is a passion project, by this I mean you can feel the love of writing in every post. This particular type of joy is contagious in the best possible way.

LaurelsCode: https://laurelscode.wordpress.com/

Have you ever had a really cool smart friend who teaches you tons of interesting stuff and is also into anime? Want one?

Mburnsoh: https://middleamericangeekery.wordpress.com/

Another fantastic blog name – I’m getting a bit of a complex here. This great name goes along with great posts on all things geekery.. Look, relying on me for accurate information is really just silly on your part. Go read the bog, enjoy and come back to thank me.

Rokutsu: https://blackandyellowotakugamers.com/

Black and Yellow otaku is in fact a coalition of talented bloggers that really didn’t like kings game…at all..(but I wanted it to be good…) This said, they put together posts from different points of vue and give you an actual thought out and interesting analysis of current series. If you’re wondering what to watch next, this is a great place to go.

Dani☆Touch My Spine Book Reviews☆


Grrr – enough with the fantastic blog names already! Dani has a pretty vocal fanbase and there’s a good reason for that. This bookish blog is an engrossing virtual conversation anyone would be thrilled to take part in.

Icedmaster: https://icedmaster.wordpress.com/

Don’t let the name fool you, Randomly Generated Stuff is in fact well thought out and very interesting. I particularly appreciate how the posts get right to the important stuff like Keiichi’s vest. I’m so glad someone finally mentioned that…

Itsananimething: https://itsananimething.wordpress.com/

I don’t understand why this blog isn’t HUGE yet but I’m pretty sure it will be so better get on that bandwagon now if you want to have bragging right. The anime minute clips are a great way to keep up with upcoming anime news – I watch them as I’m cooking.

Mirrorpurple: https://mirrorpurple.org/

You know how you use one style to review hing on your blog and a different way to describe them to your friends. Mirrorpurple gives you reviews like your getting them from your friend. The real stuff you know you can trust and that cuts through the fluff… (till can’t bring myself to use bad language in print…)


Oh noes – I can’t find Sorias’ blog. Does anyone have the link? Please send it to me. Pretty please….

The VN Completionist: https://thevncompletionist.wordpress.com/

I really love visual novels and I want to make more posts about them but I find it very challenging, so instead I’ve been reading the VN completionist. If you’re looking for VN suggestions or if you don’t have the time or ambition to get into visual novels but just want to know what all the hooplah is about, this is the blog for you.

Kuriajosephine. https://kuriajosephine.wordpress.com/

Sadly, this diary style log has been quiet for a while but the older posts are certainly worth a read. I always like these personal entries, it feels like someone is trusting me with a little bit of themselves and it makes me feel like I’m part of the group. Wait how did this become about me?

A Nerdy Perspective: https://anerdyperspective.wordpress.com/

Do you have any particular feelings about gorgeous self proclaimed nerdy girls? I do. Good feelings. So you want some anime reviews and analysis and some insight on Japanese culture? If you’re reading this, you do and you’re in luck!

Mythos2 : https://thebackloggers.com/

“Too much anime, not enough time” will be on my gravestone one day… This blog gets me! It’s a rare and precious thing to find somewhere you belong and someone who understands. It’s even better when you don’t have to leave your home. The backloggers is where it’s at.

Brittney: https://mybrittney.wordpress.com/

I’ve discovered Brittney’s blog recently and I’ve been sobbing over her reviews. I’m a baby and Britney has been covering some emotional anime with disarming openness. It’s heartwarming and just a little fragile in a pretty way. If that doesn’t make sense, go read for yourself.

Everythingromanceotaku: https://everythingromanceotaku.wordpress.com/

Not only do you get splendid anime insight but this is where I learned about the latest Layton news. If you are not swayed by Professor Layton news, I can’t help you…

Invasu: https://invasu.wordpress.com/

Invau has a beautiful blog. I’ve been thinking Lacie of changing my layout and blogs like this are what’s tempting me. But beyond that Invansu writes beautiful posts. Full disclosure – we seem to have very similar tastes so that helps but this blog actually manages to explain to me why I like my favorite animes and that’s no small feat.

Thethingsiveseenblog: https://thethingsiveseenblog.wordpress.com/

This Netflix addict shares posts on well, the things they’ve seen (with 3-year-old niece Orly) Halloween was a real fun time – even a little cracked Frederick PumpkinSteiner looked awesome. I really love the original art used for the reviews – a completely unique site.

Merlin: https://merlinsmusings.com/

Yes you read that right – Merlin! A connaisseur of a wide range of fandoms, Merlin brings you musings on just about any geeky subject that’s captured your imagination at the moment. Recently started the Dr. Who challenge and I for one am curious to find out the rest.

Buildingtheloveshack: https://buildingtheloveshack.com/

Yes I know…Awesome blog name! Lacie is my hero. She’s your hero too, trust me. I am simply not qualified to do this blog justice and it’s not my place. Go read it and be reminded of what matters.

Drimtseyser: https://otakupinoy.wordpress.com/

Another newcomer to the aniblogger community Your Daily Dose of Anime and Manga Recommendation, hit the ground running. Daily posts are unreasonable…This aid, who doesn’t want a fresh perspective on our beloved medium. Occasional Filipino reviews are also a rather unique feature!

Barry & Kelly: https://chiropath.wordpress.com/

I’m not sure whether it’s Barry or Kelly that’s an anime fan but I’m sure they are both mocu better people than me. Their blog is chock full of posts that just make life better. Despite my questionable attachment to alcohol, I do actually believe healthy living to be very important and adopting a carefully balanced diet and strict workout routine has done wonders for me. The information on this site is something I wish I had known years ago.

Dlaofficial: https://dlaofficial.wordpress.com/

This blog is called Goal Digger you guys. Goal Digger! And yes, it is as advertised. It will help you achieve your goals. Unless your goals are stupid. Then it will help you find good goals and achieve those.

Samui: https://samui26.wordpress.com/

Samui has this super cool little avatar that I find intimidating. I’m pretty sure I’m too dorky to talk to Samui but I still read the blog because of that no nonsense smooth writing style that cuts right to the point. I **might** be trying to imitate it. Don’t tell anyone.

Fiddletwix: https://fiddletwix.wordpress.com/

Manga and anime reviews of all the shows I haven’t reviewed – we’re complementary! The unique feature that I was particularly taken with is the Dub/Sub comparaisons. These are huge endeavours but fascinating and completely one of a kind.

Reham Rasuman: https://rehamisramblingagain.wordpress.com/

So apparently what I do is not rambling because apparently ramblings are now incisive and well written posts on among other things one of my favorite mangas and a rare romantic title I actually enjoyed! Go see which one it is!

The Shining Gem: https://theshininggem.wordpress.com/

The tag of this blog is Nobody does it better… Aside from being a fantastic Bond song, this is one boastful tag yet this humorous blog may have actually earned it. See for yourself.

Josh https://classicanimemuseum.wordpress.com/

We live in a world where new is always better and that’s too bad. There are some truly wonderful classic anime titles out there and sadly most of us will never hear about them – unless we follow this blog! Honestly, I’ve discovered so much through the classic anime museum and I think you will too.

Jakecoker; https://jakecoker.wordpress.com/

Jake has a Great Mind (that may be an inside joke only I get)… Let’s try this again, Jake writes great posts about subjects I actually want to read about. I basically just discovered this awesome blog and I can’t wait for every new post.

Straw Hat: https://strawhat09blog.wordpress.com/

As is so perfectly explained, MG is a blog about animes, movies and games. I love animes, movies and games so as you can imagine this is my type of blog!

The Otaku Judge: https://theotakujudge.com/

The Otaku Judge knows how to judge geek media. They’ve been doing it for a while and this blog is just the latest iteration. There are some things you can only learn with experience and the easy flow and clear but entertaining format of the reviews are a clear mark of that experience. Also they have great taste in games.

Deosrgr13: https://deosrgr13.wordpress.com/

Full disclosure, I’ve only read the English language post  but I really liked it so I can only assume that the ones in Malay are just as good, maybe better.I enjoy looking at the pretty pictures though, it’s a pretty site.

Susyscozyworld: https://susyscozyworld.wordpress.com/

Susy is a sweety and her bookish blog is really quite cozy. Have you ever read a post and found it friendly??? Wanna??? Susy has also decided to take up the NaNoWriMo 2017 Challenge and I’m really looking forward to seeing how it goes.

Albymu19: https://addvganimer.wordpress.com/

ADD taught me that Fuuka (an anime I keep almost watching every week since it’s come out) is bad… and I trust ADD because every other review is on point. I really enjoy the box subscription reviews as well as the manga/anime comparaison. You will too.

Faye: https://fayesyaysornays.com/

I discovered Faye recently. Faye has impeccable taste  in both games and anime but I really enjoy the photo galleries she often adds to her posts. Sakura co looked awesome and Kenshin cosplay is always the best.

Eternal Blank: https://themangaeater.wordpress.com/

The blogs I follow tend to be more about anime than manga but I’m trying to fix that because there is some fantastic manga ut and I think I’m missing out. This fresh new manga and web novel aimed blog is going to help me!

Valobasharabeg: https://valobasharabeg.wordpress.com/

Ok so this blog hasn’t really started ye but Sanskrit sure is beautiful!

Amirandareviews: https://amirandareviews.wordpress.com/

Amiranda reviews published a first post on October 20th! I absolutely love how positive this blog is. It will just make you want to watch more anime! and Nyanko is the blog logo. Blogs with cat logos are the best blogs, everybody knows that!

Rina Llewellyn: https://mamorinsgallery.wordpress.com/

Crumbing cookies (…) is a delightful multilingual blog is full of creative writing and artistic endeavours. Like any real work of art it somewhat defies description (ok maybe I’m just bad at descriptions) but trust me, you want to go read it. I like it so much.

Prince https://societyforthestudyofmodernvisualculture.wordpress.com/

The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture lives up to it’s name These are not mere reviews or you know… drinking games… these are actual analysis of anime series with unique takes I haven’t seen elsewhere. I particularly like the discussion of “intended audience” when putting together an anime.

MrGilderPixels: https://mrgilderpixels.wordpress.com/

Adorable 8bit inspired art work (I really love the little fox pixel art here). It’s definitely worth  look, like going to a museum from home!

Medievalotaku: https://medievalotaku.wordpress.com/

Medieval Otaku writes both on his own blog and on beneath the brambles weaving his devotion to religion and his love of anime together. This unusual combination makes for some unique posts but mostly these are well written and fun to read, so go do that!

Raexelphon: https://satiredofanime.wordpress.com/

The most reliable source for all the latest anime news. If you want to know what going on in the world of anime you need to follow this blog.

AstralGemini :https://zerodramareviews.wordpress.com/

Zero Anime Drama is on day 95 of the 100 day anime challenge. Impressed? I’m super impressed. What’s more impressive is that those 95 posts are super fun reads and we STILL get first impressions! I’m thinking a team of people runs this blog.

Cooperate Headquarters: https://cooperateheadquarters.com/

These posts are a precious resource for student and professional safety in industrial and public environments. Once in awhile we all need to learn something important for a change.

Hachinana: https://hachinana078.wordpress.com/

I love when a writer can capture a conversational tone on the page. It makes me feel like we’re friends. You can never have enough friends. Hachinana does exactly that while giving us detailed episodal reviews. The blog kicked off last month and I hope it continues this was for a long long time.

Erin: https://ninjakitmellow.wordpress.com/

Erin is kind enough to share her awkward life with us and if you’re smart you’ll appreciate it. I want to be Erin’s friend. You will too.

Kanghana96: https://bachmaotu.wordpress.com/

I’m going to say this blog is in Vietnamese. If you speak it, can you please tell me if I’m right.

Jaminkastiel: https://jaminkastiel.wordpress.com/

Jamin wants to make your day better by bringing us feel good posts that encourage a positive outlook. I’m pretty sure you don’t have too much happiness yet. Go get some more.

Kevin Pennyfeather: https://kevinpennyfeather.com/

Kevin is a freelance journalist and editor who also happens to love anime and gaming. As you can imagine these are some high quality posts and always interesting. Did I mention Kevin is Canadian. All Canadians love to point out whenever anyone else is Canadian…It’s weird but we can’t help it.

Annie Gallagher: https://guardianacorn.com/

Annie gives us some awesome game reviews (and covers titles I haven’t seen mentioned on may sites) that are both detailed and clear enough to give you a good idea on whether you should pick up a title but entertaining enough to make for a fun read.

Sam Brewer: https://animeamateur.wordpress.com/

The Tiny World of an Anime Amateur is another beautiful blog with such a wide array of reviews on anime, manga and visual novels and so much more. I like the dere guide. I don’t know why I always love those. This blog has been around for a while so there’s a wealth of wonderful posts to chose from and….the blog name is fantastic…

Alyssa: https://en.wordpress.com/typo/?subdomain=1992series

This is the site associated with Alyssa’s profile but it doesn’t seem to exist 🙁 Alyssa if you see this, let me know if I should fix it.

Arthifis:  https://arthifis.wordpress.com/

Arthifis is experimenting with social media and lucky for us, that experiment is taking the form of terrific anime and game reviews. And if reading isn’t your thing (I figure my blog attracts that type), this blog is another just lovely design I’m thinking of stealing…

Visualjoint: https://visualjoint.com/

Both anime and live action movie reviews, visual joint covers some older series that haven’t gotten much love lately. If you’re wondering if you’ve missed out on something, this is where you can find out.

Owningmatt93 : https://thebackloggers.com/

Like Mythos, Owningmatt93 writes for the backloggers. If my first attempt to get you to follow that blog failed for some reason…. The also have a long running Log Time Podcast. So you can get your dose of anime content while driving. What are you waiting for?

Inventingcocktails: https://inventingflavours.wordpress.com/

This is another blog that doesn’t seem to exist and it’s breaking my heart. I really want to follow it.

Rory: https://rorymuses.wordpress.com/

Rory has been around and prolific since 2013! You can imagine that you will find what you’re looking for here. And then you’ll also find A Magical Woman Tale – which is what you need!

ComputerBook: https://earlmrosin.wordpress.com/

This site collects and redirects readers to all sorts of scientific resources. I actually follow a ton of these types of sites and they’re always interesting (and you can pretend to be smurt)

Eufemiayukie: https://kunimitsutezuka14.wordpress.com/

Eufemiayukie has not started this blog yet. Let’s all convince them to do so!

clutterfreelifestyle solutions: https://clutterfreelifestylesolutions.wordpress.com/

As the name suggests, this blog will help you sort out your life and organize your world. I should probably actually put these posts into practice instead of just reading them but who would have guessed decluttering suggestions could be so much fun to read!

Regan222: https://regan222.wordpress.com/

A minister and a teacher, Regan explores the nature and responsibility of existence and occasionally talks about B movies. The writing is impressive. I’m pretty sure I’m disappointing Regan but I’m going to try harder.

Okay, it’s 3 a.m. I’m sorry if some of these didn’t make any sense. I’m a little out of it now but just one last thing:

I’m really tired but happy!

I would also like to take a minute to let you all know that the little Blogwarming party project is still on. I’ve gotten a few great submissions already but there is plenty of time left. If you want to share a post please let me know before the 21st. If you guys want to spread the word about it – YAY! And if you come across a great blog that you think more people should know about, encourage them to enter or just let me know where I can read some great posts.

Awww man, I just realized I forgot the one and only thing that was important here, actually saying: THANK YOU!

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