I drink and watch anime

500 and more Beloved Followers

Not gonna lie, the Leibster tag has to be the one I have the most trouble with. It’s 11 questions you guys, and then I have to come up with 11 questions! That’s insane. This said, you guys have come up with some truly fantastic questions and answers. People like Crimson, Auri and Fueled by Smiling make these types of tags into masterpieces of creative writing!

 And you know who else has great questions?

Karandi!!! She doesn’t do these tags too often (despite the fact that I’ve gotten two from her lately) but when she does, she really makes it count!

I was also lucky enough to get tagged by Plebby who has an absolutely adorable blog I just can’t get enough of. The cautiously optimistic post on Keijo!!!!!  Has been a recent fave of mine.

I even got a shout out from the equally adorable BakkuNyan. This isn’t hyperbole guys, go see those blogs for yourselves but be warned, you will be rethinking your layout….

I’m not going to add any more because that’s already 33 questions guys….   

Rules (you know ‘em but I’m adding them for people who wanna cut and paste):

Karandi’s questions (which I really enjoyed because it allowed me to think back on 2017 and my blog so far)

1.  One thing you loved about 2017.

Honestly, discovering the aniblogging community!

2.  One thing you hated about 2017.

The state of international politics, the seeming rollback on minority and women’s rights, the constant worry of nuclear war and completely irreversible environmental damage. Otherwise it’s been swell.

3.  One thing you learned during 2017 that you think you will use in 2018.

Linking to a post rather than a front page will assure a pingback! Also, no one ever thinks less of you for asking for help.

4.  What did you do for New Year’s Eve?

Had a long dinner with people (and a dog) I love.

5.  If you could change something that happened in 2017 (only one thing) what would it be?

The Las Vegas shooting, no wait the hurricanes…

6.  What is one goal you have set for 2018?

Learn to appreciate stillness. I’m not doing too good so far.

I have to be quiet for a whole minute you say?

 7.  What are the odds of you actually meeting your goal?


 Maybe 6% and only because I’m stubborn.

 8.  What anime are you most looking forward to in 2018?

 The next iteration of Natsume’s Book of Friends.

 9.  What are you most excited about for your blog in 2018?

 I guess celebrating this? And Collabs – I love collabs.

 10.  Are you going to any conventions in 2018?

 Probably – I try to see if there are any that I can bundle with work travel but I haven’t look into it yet.

 11.  What advice would you like to give other bloggers for 2018?

Collab with me! Wait does it have to be *good* advice?

you didn’t specify

Plebby’s questions:

  1. Who’s your favorite anime character?

I DON’T KNOW! Sorry I didn’t mean to shout but I have never been able to answer that and I feel like it’s a copout… in 2017 I really, really liked Nobu from Drifters…

  1. How do you watch shows? (Weekly, binge, etc.)

Well, I have recently been informed that it’s not binging unless you spend 5 to 10 hours a day watching anime so I’m not sure where I stand. Fact is I don’t like to wait a week between episodes. I usually watch about 4 to 6 episodes an evening of either one or two shows. Call it what you will.

  1. Why did you start blogging?

Cheaper than hard drugs.

  1. If you had to choose one anime to live in, what would it be?

Right now – Kamigami no Asobi and I’m thinking school counselor!

  1. What’s your drink of preference? (Personally, I’m all for coffee)

Seriously? Currently it’s mead… Inorite. Weird? Also, am a huge longtime fan of Sayuri Nigori Sake.

I’m just classy that way!
  1. Do you play an instrument?

A few. I play piano, bass guitar, French horn and Euphonium (yup like the anime).

  1. What’s your favorite OP?

Not sure maybe 91 days or Terror in Resonance right now. Honorable mention to Watamote. You know what: all of these 

  1. What is your favorite show from 2017?


  1. Are you a cat or a dog person?


  1. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

I was smart enough to figure out that life can be truly beautiful.

well I wouldn’t say “genius” but if you insist


  1. Do you have a guilty pleasure? (No judging here :3)


And finally BakkuNyan

  1. They say Kim Kardashian broke the internet, but what do you think will truly break the internet?

Trump (sorry to get political on yall…)

  1. Which character do you think would be boring to hang out with? Give me your top 3 (or 5) and the reason why you think so.

Rin from Yuru Camp. She doesn’t like interacting with people and just stays quiet. She is too young to drink and if I do manage to somehow coax/bribe a conversation out of her, it will be about camping…

  1. You’re given 30 seconds to say anything to your ultimate idol or crush, what are you gonna say?

I understand this will sound odd, but you absolutely need to come with me right now. I’ll explain everything when we get there!

  1. A portal suddenly brought you to a fictional world, which world did you get sucked in and what would you do in there first?

Let’s face it – desperately try to find a bathroom…

  1. What would be the most amazing adventure you can go on?

Realistically, ultra-deep sea submarine. Non realistically Isekai!!!!

or there
  1. A wild Demogorgon appeared! What will you do?

Let’s face it – desperately try to find a bathroom…

  1. Do you believe that Life is Strange? *wink wink*

I do! *Is your eye ok?*

  1. You had a really bad day, what would make it better?

SERIOUSLY??? You guys of course!

  1. What’s the show you would never want to watch even if you’ll be offered a million dollars + lifetime airline pass

Hmmm well I don’t have any strong feelings about shows I haven’t seen but the thing I would least like to watch is New Game season 2. I would totally do it for a million dollars.

where’s mah money?
  1. You suddenly find out that you’re the new ruler of a small country, what’s the first craziest thing you’ll do?

Ensure equal wages for equal work.

  1. Any recommendations? If yes, then recommend away! (It can be anything *cough* I ran out of questions.)

I’ve mentioned this before but Plaid Pants – no, really.

But all I really wanted to say is, for everyone that has decided to follow me, Thank you!!! Just like yesterday, this is my way of saying I appreciate the follow, it’s not homework. If you don’t have time to do these it’s 100% fine:

  1. Ellis Adams
  2. janedarlingg
  3. bleepingmillenials
  4. deanmitch92
  5. Ourk9 (I’m sorry I couldn’t find your blog but I think it’s great you decided to follow!)
  6. Cat
  7. Dragonslay3r94
  8. Srijan
  10. bloomreviewsblog
  11. David Conine
  12. floresmillen
  13. pastorilnovelyn
  14. kungfuninjaman
  15. Crag Banna
  16. Avni
  17. pxahxj
  18. lowkev
  19. thebookwormdrinketh
  20. mbednorz
  21. therverguys
  22. shirohike
  23. mckennabanbury

 And because I’m a particularly lazy baby sloth – instead of coming up with 11 questions for you – I will let you pick 11 amount the 33 I’ve answered here! 

I wish I was a baby sloth….



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