I drink and watch anime

Best Weekend EVER! One Lovely Blog

So not only did I just hit the 100 followers mark but I also got nominated the One Lovely Blog Award by the certainly very lovely Shokamoka. That blog most certainly deserves the qualifier and if you somehow have missed it up until now, today is your lucky day as you get to discover it HERE

Now I realize that many of you have been here done that but this is my very first nomination and I am super excited!

When I saw Shoka’s post on Thursday morning as I was brushing my teeth, and saw my own name in there, I couldn’t stop myself from doing a little dance. Almost dropped my phone in the toilet and covered the mirror in toothpaste spatter. Both are pretty much daily occurrences but this time it was for a happy cause.


This is going to be a challenge for both of us

7 things about me…


I am actually afraid of butterflies

Don’t ask me why – it’s a phobia. I’ve always been afraid of them. Moths too. I’ve tried to justify it with things like their evolution/continued existence is suspicious. I mean how can a super flashy species whose only  natural defense mechanism is physiological mimicry and whose life cycle is uniquely intricate not have gone extinct by now? There’s definitely something we don’t know there….


I originally wanted to make a blog dedicated to anime inspired recipes

When I first saw Bungou Stray Dogs I got really fascinated by the description of Ochazuke. It looked really delicious and right up my alley. I scoured the internet for a recipe and was delighted to make my own version. I love cooking and really enjoy anime inspired dishes. For some reason it makes me feel like I’m sharing a meal with my favorite characters. There are a few sites out there but not that many so I figured I could make one too.

I quickly realized that in order to make it work, I would have to test out and develop the recipes and since I’m vegetarian I’m kind of limited in that area. As such, I quickly moved on to something I know better. Hah – I’ma drunk!


I prefer reviewing anime I consider not very good

With a few exceptions, I get a little gun-shy when it comes to reviewing anime I love. I’m just so afraid I can’t do them justice.

This said, Natsume has been a definite exception to this rule. Maybe it’s because I’m writing about the show as I am watching it or maybe it’s because it just gets me overflowing with emotions that spill out onto the page very naturally but either way, I love reviewing that show. Not that I’m doing it justice by any means.


I’m shorter than you

Just trust me on this one, I am.


I don’t like mixed drinks very much

I mean they’re ok once in a while but generally speaking I prefer straight alcohol with a glass of water on the side (hydration is important kids!). Anything too sugary and that’s a recipe for a headache and tummy cramps. I’m sorry if I’ve let you all down.

I have however tested out most of my drinking games!


I am very intimidated by you

As in other bloggers. I generally go through life with very little idea what I’m doing but this is particularly true when it comes to blogging or writing in general. I have discovered such a bevy of great blogs that I really wonder why I should even try. Then I have a few drinks and kinda forget about it and then you get what you get….

I am really enjoying myself though. Some people say that, that’s what counts….


Up until embarrassingly recently, I thought that seasonal anime was holiday themed shows.

I was very very confused by all your posts for a while there.

I asked Google images “recommend anime” – Google images is a genius

Like I said, I won’t force anyone to follow up because chain letters are evil and I know some of you guys get these every other day, but here are a few blogs that **I* think are really lovely:

Artemis: https://otakulounge.wordpress.com/

I’m pretty sure she would be in the way over getting nominated for these things category but I’m trying my luck!

Mel: https://melinanimeland.wordpress.com/

Mel has had a few awards but I didn’t see the lovely one which makes no sense cause Mel’s super lovely!

Nesha: https://moe404.wordpress.com/

Even though a spoil of Nesha has been around for a while, English language reviews have only been added recently. You only need to take a look at the site to see while it would be considered lovely!

Oishi: https://animeandfandomlife.wordpress.com/

I’m not sure if Oishi just categorically refuses to take part in these but I couldn’t find an award post on anime and fandom life and that seemed wrong.

RickyDDR: https://rickyddr.wordpress.com/

Crafts are lovely and Ricky is so…sweet. Ha!

Shadowcat99: https://exploringanimeandmanga.wordpress.com/

Since this blog is relatively new, there is a small chance that Shadowcat will still be into this sort of thing. In any case, they’re always lovely to me!

I’m actually hoping people will throw pity noms at me regularly so that I can in time nominate everybody!

Ok So I think this covers it. My weekend of thank yous is now complete. You know what, one last one:

Thank you



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