I drink and watch anime


OMG the time has finally arrived! I can’t believe it’s been a whole month already!!!!!

OK, so in case anyone is new here, let me explain: last month I tried to get a project going which could serve as a platform of sorts to help smaller or newer aniblogs join in the community. The basic idea was that every month, I would feature a new blogger and help get their content out there for more people to enjoy. Then I begged much more successful bloggers to help and because they happen to be wonderful people, they agreed.

So to get things rolling, I asked people to send in posts they wanted to put up for consideration and a bunch of extremely kind anonymous volunteers (you guys can say who you are if you like), helped me read through the submissions and pick which to feature.

It’s not like I forced them or anything

Let me tell you, it was a very tough decision as we got some fantastic submissions. We received ONLY fantastic submissions.  In fact, this was such a difficult decision that picking one proved impossible. Breaking my own rules right off the bat, this month we bring you two just marvelous posts you really shouldn’t miss. This said the others were great and I will be holding on to the ones that aren’t featured this month for a little bit and maybe promote them in the coming months.

Let me once again give all my thanks to Karandi from 100 Word Anime and Remy from The Lily Garden for agreeing to share the posts on their sites as well. If any of you guys also want to join in – let me know.

Now though, let me tell you a little about the month’s Blogwarming.

A good review is very difficult to craft. You have to give enough information for your reader to get the proper context but not so much that you end up just describing the show/movie/game or even worse *spoiling* it. You also have to give your personal, subjective opinion and the reasons for it in a way that’s going to help your audience decide if they want to see something but whitout alienating anyone and whitout making people feel stupid if they happen to disagree with your views. And you have to make the entire thing not mind numbingly boring. Let’s face it, a truly good review is hard to come by.

But if you happen to be really lucky, once in a while, you may actually stumble upon a GREAT review and that my friends, is something to cherish. Reading through these posts, I was able to decide whether I wanted to see the show or not. I have a general idea what I’m in for but it’s not like I know everything that’s going to happen. It’s exactly what a review should be, but it’s MORE.  

In order of submission

Brittney’s review was heartfelt and deeply personal. It was like a close friend was whispering a secret to me. The post made me feel special and I want to thank Brittney for trusting me with this. It takes a particular type of strength to embrace weakness and it’s nothing short of impressive. When Brittney submitted this (and I’m sorry I’m sharing this without permission) she thought maybe that personal touch would be off-putting. Brittney, let me tell you it was quite the opposite. Your post was highly praised and I for one hope you write more.

As for the  our other pick. I finished this with a smile on my face and then kept right on smiling. A fitting reaction for a post ob Fueled by Smiling! I felt like I was there in the room with smiling telling me all about the show. It a conversation instead of a lesson. Or maybe a dinner show. Light and clever, fantastically written with a wry sense of humour that will have you giggling before you even know it, this is exactly the type of post I *try* to write every day.

You want to read them too now, don’t you? I almost don’t want to share… But OK. You guys all owe me. BIG!

Brittney’s tender and poignant review of Orange:


Fueled by Smiling hilarious yet soothing views on Kino no Tabi:


But before I lose you forever to these clearly wonderful blogs, let me just throw in a few last words.

First thank you so much to everyone that submitted a post and that offered to help!

Second, if you feel like it PLEASE link Brittney’s and/or Smiling’s posts on your own blogs – you can copy paste my post if you don’t feel like writing one. I think these reviews really deserve all the views they can get and we all deserve to read something lovely today.

completely up to you of course

Finally, I had fun this month and I would really like to keep this going for another month, so once again, if you’re newer OR smaller and you have a post you think people would like please send me a link here, or use my contact page. You should know that pretty much everybody who sent a post in (including our chosen posts) seemed to think their writing wasn’t good enough. But let me tell you something, your writing is good enough. This is going to sound corny but when you write about something you love it shows through the page and it’s always enjoyable to read. So if you happen to think maybe you should get better before sending something in, or maybe this doesn’t apply to you, then send a post in. We put this thing together for people just like you and so we could read great posts like the ones above.

Well folks, please continue being awesome and if you want to send me presents for introducing you to such great blogs, I accept cash.

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